How to Replace a Lost File Cabinet Key

When you can't find the file cabinet key, it could cause a huge interruption to your workday. You need a file and you cannot get to it without the key. Most filing cabinets are designed with safety features to keep anybody from bypassing the lock. This means you need a key replacement to get into the filing cabinet.

It doesn't matter if you have a lateral or vertical file cabinet, replacing a lost file cabinet key isn't difficult. You will often just need the right help from the cabinet manufacturer, but this can take time. You may be waiting for weeks to receive a new key and that may be too long.

When you cannot wait, you need to know how to replace a lost file cabinet key quickly. Start by writing down the brand name, model number, and style of your file cabinet, including the serial number and the model number found on the cabinet drawers. Once you have this information, calling a skilled Chicago locksmith should be your next move.

How a Locksmith will Help You with File Cabinet Key Replacement

When you cannot get a key replacement from the manufacturer or you cannot wait as long as they need to send them, a skilled locksmith can create a new key for you. Even if the locksmith doesn't have the right key template to make a replacement, they may be able to make the current key fit (if it's not lost) or pick the lock so that you can get into the file cabinet.

What Not to Do About Your Lost File Cabinet Key

You may be tempted to break into the file cabinet yourself. This is a bad idea. You never want to pry open the file cabinet unless you're ready to replace it after you do so. Once you pry into the cabinet, you will void the warranty and it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to fix the damage. It's better to call a Chicago locksmith and let a professional get you into your file cabinet.

How to Prevent This in the Future

After you've accessed your file cabinet, you'll want to take measures to prevent this in the future. It's important to have additional copies of your file cabinet keys in a safe place just in case they are lost again, break or bend. Have a professional locksmith make you extra keys and either give them to another trusted person in your business or keep them in a safe you have access to.

Having an extra key or two for your file cabinet can take a large interruption to the workday and turn it into a small inconvenience. Instead of having to call a locksmith the next time, you'll just need to retrieve the extra key. Then, you can call the locksmith to have another copy made at your convenience.

Dealing with a lost or broken file cabinet key isn't an easy situation. It's annoying and can screw up the entire workday. Make sure you have a professional locksmith in Chicago ready to go in case this issue happens to you.

What Types of Keys can a Locksmith Duplicate?

When you need a new key, a locksmith will be able to provide duplicate keys for you. Even if you don't have a key for a specific lock, it's possible a locksmith can help.

There are several types of keys and it's helpful to know which ones a locksmith will duplicate for you. Here's a look at the most common keys a locksmith will be able to duplicate.

"Do Not Duplicate" Keys

The biggest question many people have when it comes to keys being duplicated by a locksmith are the keys labeled as "Do Not Duplicate". These keys seem like they shouldn't be able to be duplicated, but that's a myth.

There are no regulations or laws keeping a key with "Do Not Duplicate" on it from being duplicated. While chain hardware stores may refuse to duplicate these keys, locksmiths will often be able to provide a duplicate key.

Restricted Keys

While "Do Not Duplicate" keys are not considered restricted keys, there are some keys Locksmiths refer to as "restricted". These types of keys may not be able to be duplicated due to the duplication rights of the original manufacturer. In addition, these keys are harder to copy due to the type of equipment necessary and the patent-protected design.

Any key classified as "restricted" is covered by U.S. Patent Laws, making it a key you will likely not find a locksmith willing to duplicate. The penalty for duplicating this type of key can be a fine of up to $10,000.

Keys Locksmiths Will Duplicate

Most keys a locksmith can create a duplicate for. Some of the more common options include:

  • Yale Key - This is a standard, smaller key and can be cut pretty quickly by a locksmith.

  • Chubb Keys - A larger key with a unique design, Chubb Keys take longer to duplicate, but they can certainly be duplicated by a locksmith.

  • Safe Keys - All types of unique safe keys can be duplicated and may take longer, depending on the type of key.

  • Car Keys - Some car keys can be duplicated by a locksmith, while others require a brand new key to be created. Most modern car keys have to be created and cannot truly be duplicated by simply cutting a new key.

  • House Keys - Keys for locks on the front door of a home can easily be duplicated by a locksmith.

  • Padlock Keys - Often, padlock keys are Yale Keys and even those that are not Yale Keys can be duplicated.

The Professional Locksmith will not only duplicate most keys but will also be able to ensure you know which keys can be easily duplicated and which might provide a better form of security. Whether you're trying to choose a lock to ensure the keys cannot easily be duplicated or you need a copy of a key created, The Professional Locksmith can help.

Having the right key matters and you want a duplicate made by a professional. With the right duplicate, you won't have to worry about whether the new key will work or not. If you need a key duplicated, call your Chicago locksmith today!

How to Fix Jammed and Stuck Locks

Sometimes you end up with a jammed lock or a stuck lock that means you can’t get into a room, your house, or your car properly. You can’t have a door misaligned from the deadbolt or loose setscrews without ending up with a door jam. 

These are things you can fix if you have a little bit of knowledge, the right supplies, and the ability to determine what the problem is. Below we will show you what’s needed to fix your jammed and stuck locks, or what your locksmith could do if you want the professional job done for your home. 

Jammed Locks

Determining the jam or stuck lock

To determine if you have a jam or stuck lock, you’ll want to look at a number of things first. The first sign may be that your knob will turn but the door won’t open. Another may be that the door lock is stuck in an unlocked position, but you’ll want to check to see if another key will work in case your key has been damaged. Perhaps the doorknob lock button is stuck or maybe your deadbolt is stuck in a locked position. 

Examine the situation to make sure you know what needs to be fixed and how to handle it. for a stuck button, try turning the handle while pushing and holding the lock button, and then jiggle the handle to see if it helps. If the door lock is stuck in an unlocked condition, try to see if the door will lock when it is ajar in case of an alignment issue. 

Get some supplies

Next, you’ll want to get some supplies to check for different issues. You may need to use powdered graphite or TD-40 as a lubricant to help with jammed locks. Get a key-extractor tool and screwdrivers or a multi-magnetic hand tool with a screwdriver set. You may want to use kerosene for any rust removal. 

Addressing various issues 

Once you’ve tried to unlock the door with a different key in the event that you have the wrong key or a damaged key, you may have a temperature issue. Try to warm up the house if the home has gotten too cold. If it’s a hot location, you may have excess oil or dust, which you can check your key for stickiness or accumulation. 

Next, try a key extractor to fix a lock that has a broken key jammed inside. You may need to spray some of that lubricant in the keyhole to make for a smoother removal. A sticky lock happens when a door gets older, so the dry lubricant of the powdered graphite can help to smoothen the jam. 

Avoid a WD-40 since it will attract dirt, unlike the TD-40 or graphite. If you’re dealing with rust that is causing the jam, soak your lock in kerosene for a day to remove the rust. Feel free to lubricate the spring mechanism with some Teflon lubricant which will help if it’s becoming faulty and the deadbolt isn’t retracting completely. 

Lastly, you may need to use a screwdriver or the multi-magnetic hand tool to fix your jammed lock. This can help you to tighten screws and bolts in the event that something has come loose. Try tightening the hinges if your door is loose on its hinges because it may be causing your latch to sit too low on the striker plate. 

Is there a gap between the door and the doorframe? You’ll also want to tighten the set screw because you could have a loose setscrew making the door not opening despite the knob turning. 

You don’t have to address a jammed lock or stuck lock on your own. The professionals at Chicago Emergency Locksmith can handle a jam like this in no time and carry the proper tools and skillset for situations like yours. 

What is Lock Snapping and How to Prevent it?

One of the most common ways a burglar will break into your home is through the entry door. They use different tactics to get in through your door, such as your spare key in the fake rock or simply taking advantage of you forgetting to lock the door.

burglar breaking entry

Even if you do everything correct, a burglar may break in through a method known as lock snapping. This common way of getting into a home usually happens due to a homeowner believing their home is secure when it's not.

Understanding What Lock Snapping is

A technique that doesn't require much skill, burglars use lock snapping, also called cylinder snapping to get into your home. Since this method doesn't require much skill or any special equipment, it's very common. All the intruder needs is a hammer and screwdriver to get into your home and they can do it very quickly with lock snapping.

Usually, this method is applied to a Euro profile cylinder lock, which is commonly used on uPVC doors. Even though the lock has multi-locking points, they are operated by a single-cylinder, which can be snapped into two halves rather easily. The burglar just has to apply the right force to the cylinder and it will break.

Once the lock snapping has occurred, entry into your home is rather easy. The burglar can now open the door with simple household tools and gain access to your belongings.

Simply put, lock snapping is the process of applying for to a lock cylinder to snap it in half. A burglar with very little experience can snap your lock in a matter of seconds.

How to Prevent Lock Snapping

Preventing lock snapping starts with figuring out if your locks are vulnerable. Make sure to check all entry points to your home as not all burglars break in through the front door. If you want a professional to check your locks, call a local Chicago locksmith. They will be able to tell you if your locks are anti-snap and if not, they can recommend the right upgrade to protect your home.

If you decide to check your locks on your own, you want to find out if you have cylinder locks that can easily be snapped. Look to see if the lock sticks out of the door handle and protrudes very easily. If so, it's likely time for an upgrade.

Install the Right Locks

The best way to prevent lock snapping and make your home more secure is installing the right locks. Have a locksmith install the highest quality locks for your doors and make sure they are anti-snap locks. Having an anti-snap lock fitted to your door will ensure you don't have to worry about a burglar breaking in, even if you locked the door.

Anti-snap locks have a tested cylinder that keeps the lock from being snapped by the method used by burglars. They can attack this lock, but it won't snap like a traditional euro-cylinder lock will.

As long as your new locks are properly fitted and installed, you won't have to worry about snapping. A professional locksmith will be able to make the right recommendation for your door and install the proper lock to better protect your home.

How can you increase the security of a door lock?

Your door locks are in place in your home to protect your home and your family. That is why it’s important to always take the time to perform maintenance and increases to your home’s security system. This all starts by ensuring your locks are as secure as the day you first bought them and utilizing technology to increase your security as new features hit the market. Take a look at the ways you can increase the security of your door lock and keep your home safer.

large lock on commercial door

Upgrade them

Start by upgrading your locks. Since this is a thing you use every single day and it’s a major way that you keep your home secure, you should make sure you are using the right kind for your door and that it’s working properly. Did you choose one that is appropriate for your door? Is it going to be weak against blunt force or the use of a bump key?

It may be time to call a locksmith to replace your old locks and install one of the trusted brands of door locks on the market. It’s also a great time to make sure you have a deadbolt since the handle or keyed knob is less important. Your deadbolt will be much harder to break-in compared to a spring loaded latch because you can’t get the bolt to move without rotating it at its core.

Your front door’s locking system is your entire security system to your home, which is why it’s so important to have the latest technology in door locks and have a professional locksmith install it for you. The wrong locks could mean a break-in and harm to your entrance. Make sure to get a deadbolt that extend one inch beyond the door and choose be a high-quality brand like Medeco that will be resistant to lock-picking or fake keys.

Reinforce your doors and glass surfaces

Next, take the time to have your doors and glass surfaces examined. These are other ways that criminals will try to break in. If you are using an old, light-weight door, it may be time to replace it with a solid door made with hardwood or metal inserts.

Have a professional locksmith come out to reinforce doors that do not need replaced and then have them examine your windows. Since windows are by most front doors, a criminal may try to break-in through this method. Strengthen your windows and glass by replacing them with a stronger material or by adding a security window film for extra protection. You can get a tinted window film or a clear one that will at least discourage most burglars because it’s not easy to shatter.

Add a security screen

Speaking of window films, you can also add a security screen to your front door. This is basically like having two doors in which one door is in front of the other door. This allows you to have a metal barrier with additional locks for your front door. Since they are made to open out, attempting to kick them in will likely be unsuccessful.

If a criminal sees additional deadbolts and keyed knobs to get in a house, they may give up on their plans. You will have the option to see through this door much better than a peephole while still remaining inside the house.

Lengthen set screws

Talk to your locksmith about how they can lengthen set screws. This is another trick to improve home security that is simple but effective. Simply have your strike plate and hinges’s ¾ inch set screws changed to 3-inch screws. If someone tries to kick the door in, you’ll find that the door is more likely to just splinter and fracture but not actually get kicked in.

Typically with the shorter set screws, when the door is kicked in the strike plate will get torn off the door when the trim is breaking. With a longer set screw, the strike plate won’t be as vulnerable since you are likely just attacking the stud of the door jam. You must also secure the door’s strike plate and hinge side in order for this to be effective during an attack.

Maintain and install more hardware

Finally, make sure you take the time to maintain your hardware and add additional features where needed. You can use slipcovers to add more metal content to a door to help strengthen it where it has vulnerabilities. If you have exposed or weakened bolts that you use to secure a door, get a cover that extends over the jam.

Consider installing securing devices from inside the home, such as a lock in the middle of the door or a chain lock. Add front door monitoring through surveillance cameras, smart locks, and smart doorbells to improve your ability to see what’s going on and deter criminals.

Use these tips to increase your front door locks since it is the most important security feature of your home!