All You Need to Know About Master Keys

Master keys make it possible to unlock multiple locks with one key. They allow you access to multiple doors in buildings and make it much easier on those needing access. 

A good example of how master keys work is found within an apartment building. If the building has been master keyed, the same key will open any apartment door in the building. 

While the keys made for apartment 101 won't open the door for apartment 102, a master key will open both doors. This makes it easier when tenants lose keys or maintenance needs access to the apartment during an emergency.

Another example of master keying is when a homeowner has their housemaster keyed. The same key will open all the locks in the home instead of needing a separate key for the front, back, and side doors.

Should You Get a Master Key?

Master keys are not for all situations. It can be a good idea in the right situation, but in some cases, the danger of losing the key can make it a problem.

If you are a landlord with multiple tenants in the same building, a master key makes quite a bit of sense. It can also make sense for businesses, schools, and other buildings with the custodial staff.

The main benefit of a master key is the convenience it provides. Consider the janitor carrying around a ring with 25 keys or more on it. If you can cut that down to just one or two keys, they won't waste time trying to find the right key.

Landlords gain the ability to enter apartments (with permission) to perform maintenance when tenants are not home. It can also help in an emergency situation or in an eviction situation if the tenant has locked the door and left.

Deciding to have a master key made for your home is a bit of a different story. It can be helpful, but it may not be necessary. You'll gain the convenience of needing just one key for each door, but you may not have that many doors to begin with.

Types of Master Key Systems

While the common type of a master key system is to have one key created for multiple locks, there are other types of master key systems, too. 

A common system known as the construction key can be used for those needing a master key temporarily. These types of master keys allow for temporary access while doing construction or other work. Once the work is done, the key can be voided.

Construction keys are commonly used when contractors are building a new building or doing renovations. Once the work is done and it's time to turn the building over, they can remove a plastic piece from the keyway. This will keep their construction key from working any longer.

An Important Fact About Master Keys

All master keys are created for convenience. However, it's important to remember, master keys require master pins to be placed in the cylinder of the lock. This makes it easier for the lock to be manipulated or picked.

If you're not sure if you should have your building master-keyed, The Professional Locksmith can help.