How to Avoid Common Locksmith Scams and Protect Yourself

How to Avoid Common Locksmith Scams and Protect Yourself

Locksmith scams are a serious issue, and not all locksmiths are reliable. While these unscrupulous tactics may be hard to spot, you can protect yourself by following these tips.

How to Replace a Lost File Cabinet Key

When you can't find the file cabinet key, it could cause a huge interruption to your workday. You need a file and you cannot get to it without the key. Most filing cabinets are designed with safety features to keep anybody from bypassing the lock. This means you need a key replacement to get into the filing cabinet.

It doesn't matter if you have a lateral or vertical file cabinet, replacing a lost file cabinet key isn't difficult. You will often just need the right help from the cabinet manufacturer, but this can take time. You may be waiting for weeks to receive a new key and that may be too long.

When you cannot wait, you need to know how to replace a lost file cabinet key quickly. Start by writing down the brand name, model number, and style of your file cabinet, including the serial number and the model number found on the cabinet drawers. Once you have this information, calling a skilled Chicago locksmith should be your next move.

How a Locksmith will Help You with File Cabinet Key Replacement

When you cannot get a key replacement from the manufacturer or you cannot wait as long as they need to send them, a skilled locksmith can create a new key for you. Even if the locksmith doesn't have the right key template to make a replacement, they may be able to make the current key fit (if it's not lost) or pick the lock so that you can get into the file cabinet.

What Not to Do About Your Lost File Cabinet Key

You may be tempted to break into the file cabinet yourself. This is a bad idea. You never want to pry open the file cabinet unless you're ready to replace it after you do so. Once you pry into the cabinet, you will void the warranty and it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to fix the damage. It's better to call a Chicago locksmith and let a professional get you into your file cabinet.

How to Prevent This in the Future

After you've accessed your file cabinet, you'll want to take measures to prevent this in the future. It's important to have additional copies of your file cabinet keys in a safe place just in case they are lost again, break or bend. Have a professional locksmith make you extra keys and either give them to another trusted person in your business or keep them in a safe you have access to.

Having an extra key or two for your file cabinet can take a large interruption to the workday and turn it into a small inconvenience. Instead of having to call a locksmith the next time, you'll just need to retrieve the extra key. Then, you can call the locksmith to have another copy made at your convenience.

Dealing with a lost or broken file cabinet key isn't an easy situation. It's annoying and can screw up the entire workday. Make sure you have a professional locksmith in Chicago ready to go in case this issue happens to you.

What Types of Keys can a Locksmith Duplicate?

When you need a new key, a locksmith will be able to provide duplicate keys for you. Even if you don't have a key for a specific lock, it's possible a locksmith can help.

There are several types of keys and it's helpful to know which ones a locksmith will duplicate for you. Here's a look at the most common keys a locksmith will be able to duplicate.

"Do Not Duplicate" Keys

The biggest question many people have when it comes to keys being duplicated by a locksmith are the keys labeled as "Do Not Duplicate". These keys seem like they shouldn't be able to be duplicated, but that's a myth.

There are no regulations or laws keeping a key with "Do Not Duplicate" on it from being duplicated. While chain hardware stores may refuse to duplicate these keys, locksmiths will often be able to provide a duplicate key.

Restricted Keys

While "Do Not Duplicate" keys are not considered restricted keys, there are some keys Locksmiths refer to as "restricted". These types of keys may not be able to be duplicated due to the duplication rights of the original manufacturer. In addition, these keys are harder to copy due to the type of equipment necessary and the patent-protected design.

Any key classified as "restricted" is covered by U.S. Patent Laws, making it a key you will likely not find a locksmith willing to duplicate. The penalty for duplicating this type of key can be a fine of up to $10,000.

Keys Locksmiths Will Duplicate

Most keys a locksmith can create a duplicate for. Some of the more common options include:

  • Yale Key - This is a standard, smaller key and can be cut pretty quickly by a locksmith.

  • Chubb Keys - A larger key with a unique design, Chubb Keys take longer to duplicate, but they can certainly be duplicated by a locksmith.

  • Safe Keys - All types of unique safe keys can be duplicated and may take longer, depending on the type of key.

  • Car Keys - Some car keys can be duplicated by a locksmith, while others require a brand new key to be created. Most modern car keys have to be created and cannot truly be duplicated by simply cutting a new key.

  • House Keys - Keys for locks on the front door of a home can easily be duplicated by a locksmith.

  • Padlock Keys - Often, padlock keys are Yale Keys and even those that are not Yale Keys can be duplicated.

The Professional Locksmith will not only duplicate most keys but will also be able to ensure you know which keys can be easily duplicated and which might provide a better form of security. Whether you're trying to choose a lock to ensure the keys cannot easily be duplicated or you need a copy of a key created, The Professional Locksmith can help.

Having the right key matters and you want a duplicate made by a professional. With the right duplicate, you won't have to worry about whether the new key will work or not. If you need a key duplicated, call your Chicago locksmith today!

Key Duplication Tips: Trust Your Locksmith to Get a Key Made

When you need to get a key duplicated, you usually need it done quickly. Whether you’ve found yourself locked out, you’ve changed your locks and need more copies, or your living situation has changed requiring a duplicated key, it’s important to be able to get what you need efficiently.

That is why you should work with your locksmith to get the key made when you need it. What is great about working with your locksmith is that they can duplicate keys on the spot, making it convenient but also affordable. Take a look at how your locksmith can help you when you need it the most.

Why you can trust your locksmith

You may have tried duplicating keys at the hardware store before, but they don’t always have what you need and it’s an extra errand to add to your week. Instead, you need fast results and a simpler solution. Getting keys duplicated from your locksmith is the best and easiest way to get your key needs handled.

They not only can do it on the spot for you, but they will make sure there are no issues with it before they leave. You’ll have a key made for a specific lock that they’ve assisted you with and you can guarantee it will work properly and be available right now. Your locksmith offers professional services for your home and office security needs, so it makes sense that you’d also use their services to get your key copy needs handled by them as well.

Why a locksmith is better than the hardware store

Going to the hardware store takes time, energy, and cash to accomplish when your locksmith can come to get you and get the job done quickly and affordable on the spot. You already trust your locksmith to handle other jobs for you like being locked out or changing the locks to the house, so it only makes sense that you’d use the same professionals to duplicate your keys. Your locksmith already makes thousands of key each year through their key cutting process in which they can take a blank key and cut it precisely to your lock.

You can get everything from your house keys to your car keys and even your mailbox keys duplicated you’re your professional locksmith. They keep the newest technology in key cutting which definitely outweighs going to a local hardware store with outdated technology.

Many times hardware stores don’t have what you need or cut it inaccurately which means you’ll have to make another trip to get it done right. You’re wasting your time and energy when you could have gotten it done accurately and affordably right on location.

Key duplication services your locksmith will provide

Save yourself the stress when you need all kinds of new keys made and call your trusted locksmith. You can get everything made on the spot from house keys to car keys to a new copy of a broken key or a new key when the original was lost. Key copies and replacements for your home, office, and a vehicle can be made to order on the spot with a quick phone call.

You’ll find your locksmith commonly works with brands like MUL-T Locks, Kwikset Keys, Baldwin Keys, Master Lock Keys, Schlagle Keys, and more. It’s a small cost to have the locksmith come out and make that spare key that you desperately need and you can guarantee it will work before they leave. In a scenario where you have lost all keys, it’s possible for your locksmith to make a key directly from a lock, but it’s much easier to make a copy from a copy.

Store your copy in a safe place and if you ever lose your original, you can access your copy and have a locksmith make another copy for you. You’ll be quoted based on your individual key needs with affordable prices for all. Almost any key used in the US can be duplicated and you can feel safe and secure knowing that no information is stored about the key being cut.

You can trust your locksmith when you need to get a key made today!

Simple Tips to Not Lose Your Keys

Do you ever have that problem of losing your keys? Your day is going along just fine and suddenly you can’t find your keys to get in the car and head home for the day. Maybe you made it home and you can’t find the keys to your house. Perhaps your teenager misplaced your car keys or you can’t find the key to your office.

Whatever the case, losing keys you use every day can give you that sinking feeling of worry, dread, and panic. Not only are you wasting time searching everything you own to find them, but you may be missing out on important obligations because you can’t get into the office, the car, or the house. Fortunately, there are some easy tricks that you can learn to ensure you don’t lose your keys anymore and the likelihood of losing them in the future will be slim to none. Try these tips to stop losing your keys.

Your life is too cluttered

One of the main culprits behind losing your keys or anything in your life is that you are lacking organization. It’s time to get rid of clutter once and for all, allowing you to easily see where you’ve placed items without things other visual distractions along the way. Minimizing your belongings to only keep on you the things you really need allows you to more easily find missing objects since there are fewer hiding spots.

Make a home for everything

Once you’ve started paring things down, you can start to make a “home” for everything you own. Now that you have less stuff, you can dedicate a place to where things go when they are not in use and this allows for you to eliminate excuses about why things are missing. As long as the keys, wallet, and phone have a spot that it’s supposed to go, it would be much harder to lose these items.

When you arrive home at night, make sure to put each item you’ve brought home with you in its dedicated spot, whether it’s the key rack, the bowl on the counter, or the hook by the door. Do this for each household member so that everyone knows where things go after using them and things stop getting lost.

Use technology for help

Now that you’re organized, it’s time to use technology to your advantage. For starters, it’s much harder to lose a phone when the ringer is on and you can find it by calling the phone. Sometimes you can’t find an item when looking for it or feeling for it in a bag, but you’ll eventually hear it and see it light up. Next, use technology to help keep track of your phone even easier.

You can attach a BlueTooth tracking device like Tile or download apps like “Find my Phone” to help you track the item in the event that it is lost and nowhere to be found. Just get on a desktop to locate your phone through these tech options.

It’s important to remember that life gets busy and forgetting things is bound to happen. By implementing tricks like these, you’ll find it easier to keep track of your stuff and have methods in place to find them if you were to lose it again. When you dedicate a space in your home for things to live, hang a motivational sign to remind you to put things in their place, stop collecting clutter, and use technology as an aid, things can stop getting lost and life can get a little simpler.

Use these tips to make sure you don’t lose your keys anymore! If you do get locked out, please call The Professional Locksmith and they'll get you in!