The Importance of Home Security - Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Home Safe

The Importance of Home Security - Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Home Safe

Home security is an integral part of homeownership. No matter if you're just starting out or have been a homeowner for years, it's essential to keep your house and family secure from harm.

What to do With Your Old Intercom System

Does your home have one of those old-school intercom systems still set up throughout the home? While you may love their vintage feel and still even try to use it at times, it’s likely causing an eyesore and isn’t really serving a purpose in your home. Older homes sometimes come with quirks like these old intercom systems that probably don’t function well enough to really consider utilizing today.

That’s why you are likely looking for a way to remove these old wired systems and integrate a modern wireless system throughout the house. The good news is that a professional can come out and remove these systems for you. Take a look at what you can do about the old intercom system in your home.

Have it removed

If you don’t want the intercom system in the house whatsoever, call a professional it have it removed from the home. They are usually hardwired into the home but sometimes they are actually just battery operated or plugged into the AC outlet of the wall.

It doesn’t take much to remove the wall outlet or battery operated versions, but the hardwired ones can be complicated. Have a professional properly remove these units and then you’ll need to close the hole with drywall or putty.

You can simply conceal it

Others are looking for a simple solution to this eyesore and just want to conceal the unit. Sometimes removal is more than they were looking for so concealing it with furniture, wall hangings, or plants can be an easy solution.

Many people simply put their bookcase or wall pictures in that spot but you could easily camouflage with décor in the home. Perhaps the color of the unit is the only real issue in which you could paint it to reflect more modern style and maybe even use the unit.

Repair it for use

As mentioned, sometimes these units don’t work and that is why a homeowner wants it out of the house. You can actually look into simply having the intercom repaired so that your family can actually enjoy this fun feature in the home. if it’s not out of the budget to repair it, the right vendor may have the replacement part you need to actually enjoy the radio in the wall and the ability to talk to your family from another room.

Upgrade it with modern technology

Another fun option is to upgrade it using modern technology. Your home is already wired for the system, so now you can simply upgrade the operation of it with a more sophisticated intercom system. You could incorporate a video option, radio, and more.

Replace it

If you like the idea of the unit but you don’t want to pay for a replacement part, you could always replace it with another model. Look online for vintage replacements or use this as a chance to upgrade to a newer radio system. This is a great opportunity for some creativity with an older unit that is already a part of the home.

Whether you want to hide it, replace it, upgrade it, or repair it, you can have a lot of fun with your old intercom system. Use these tips to decide what to do with your home’s intercom system from years ago. Contact The Professional Locksmith for more information on what intercom system is best for you!

3 Features of Newer Intercom Systems

Intercom systems have been around for many years. Basic intercom systems used to be rather complicated with several stations, wiring throughout the walls, handsets, headsets, a power supply, and more. They were not cheap when intercoms first hit the market and not very advanced, either.

Older systems were not the same as the newer intercom systems. Not only were they wired, but many of the older intercom systems were also rather ugly.

Intercoms have come a long way, and you can get rid of your old system by upgrading to a newer intercom system. Here are three features you will find on a newer intercom system that older systems didn't have.

Wireless Technology

The most significant upgrade to intercom systems was the ability for wireless installation. This has made an intercom system much more accessible for residential and commercial clients.

With a wireless intercom system, walls don't need to be opened, and wires are unnecessary for the system. You can set up the entire system to run without wires, whether it's a gate intercom system, a residential system, or a system for your apartment or condo building in Chicago.

While the main components of a wireless intercom system won't need wires for the installation, it's best to have a wired internet connection for your intercom system. Some systems run on Wi-Fi or a cellular signal, but a wired internet connection is more reliable.

Video Technology

Intercom systems with video technology are prevalent in today's world. You cannot only verify someone by their voice, but you will also be able to see them before granting access.

This technology with newer intercom systems can help in residential buildings, gated communities, and other applications. If you want some of the latest technology in intercom systems, adding video technology is a good idea.

With the right options, you can use your intercom system as a security feature by monitoring the front entrance. The video can be reviewed occasionally to ensure visitors are getting in with full authorization and there isn't a security violation.

Smart Access Control

There isn't much of a reason to install the older, clunky intercom systems anymore. With most people owning a smartphone, you can add an intercom system with smart access control to reduce the equipment you need.

Apartment buildings no longer need a panel in every single apartment. Instead, smart access control can be used to connect the main entrance intercom to every resident's smartphone. This can make it easier for residents to let in guests and even help staff let in vendors when necessary.

Smart access control makes newer intercom systems more accessible for many applications. Instead of spending more money on more equipment, you can cut the cost by letting those providing access use an app on the phone they already own.

Newer intercom systems are a considerable upgrade compared to older, wired systems. While intercom repair of any older or new system is possible, you might want to consider intercom installation with the best new features instead.

Why a Home Intercom System Might be Right for You

If you're considering a home intercom system, you might be wondering if this is the right decision for you. There are many good reasons to get an intercom system for your home. Let's look at some of the top reasons why a home intercom system might be right for you.

intercom system

Integrates into Other Home Automation Systems

When you choose the right home intercom system, it can be integrated into your home automation system pretty easily. It can be paired with smart home devices, as well. You can control things from your smartphone, too, as it will easily integrate with just about any device.

Provides Live Security Footage

If you want the ability o check on things from anywhere, a home intercom system can help. You can get a video intercom and check out camera footage anywhere you can get internet access. This can make it easy to check on things when you are away.

Easily Communicate

An intercom system will give you an easy way to communicate with everybody in and around your home. Whether it's a delivery person at the door or your kids home after school, you can keep the lines of communication open very easily without interrupting what you're currently doing.

Excellent Front Door Security

Many homeowners want a home intercom system for the front door security. You'll be able to see who is at the door. It's even possible to instruct someone or even unlock the door for them, with the right type of system.

If an unexpected visitor shows up, you can stay safe without having to answer the door. You can decide whether you want to answer the door or leave them outside your home.

Maybe you're worried about packages getting taken. Home intercom systems with front door cameras have helped many people catch criminals in the act. Even if someone gets away, they will be recorded, which gives the police a chance to track them down and catch them.

Motion Sensor Activation

Some home intercom systems offer motion sensor activation for the front door camera. This is a big deal as it will pick up movement and send you a video if someone or something shows up at your door. Whether it's a package being delivered or someone showing up that doesn't belong, you'll know and you'll be able to decide how to act.

A home intercom system offers many different features and options. They are great for communication and excellent for security. Whether you choose a basic option with a front door camera or a whole-house intercom system, you can gain many benefits from a home intercom system.

Even if you have other security or automation features with your home, this type of system can easily be integrated. If you don't have anything, you can make the home intercom system a part of your security system or use it as a stand-alone option. Either way, this type of system can make a big difference for your home security and communications.

5 Types of Intercom Systems for Home or Office

If you’re considering installing an intercom system in your property, you are making the right steps in protecting your home or business. Intercom systems are the perfect way to secure the home from theft and to protect your family and your valuables.

You’ll now be able to talk to the person at your door before you even open it and in some cases, even see them too. With these 5 different types of intercom systems, you’ll have all kinds of options to protect your home in the way you need most. Take a look at the various intercom systems available.

Types of Intercoms

Wireless unit

A wireless unit is a newer take on the original hard-wired intercom system. The wireless intercom uses a different type of radio frequency and tends to be less expensive than other options. There is basically no installation required which means you can start using them right out of the box.

Just make sure the battery is up to date and be aware of the range of a wireless unit. While these are convenient to install, they can sometimes have interference issues and a lack of a wide range that you may need. In some cases, an unauthorized person could potentially tune-in to your frequency. With the ease of use and the low price point around $100-$200, it’s a great option to consider.

Hard-wired intercom

The most common intercom option is going to be the hard-wired unit that you can mount inside the home. These work by allowing you to communicate with someone at the front door just by pressing a button to speak and then your intercom speakers are connected by wire in the home.

You may pay a little bit more for this type of unit, but it’s much more reliable in avoiding external interferences and handling more wear and tear. The audio signal works well, making communication much clearer and you can worry less about if your property is protected. If you are in the middle of construction on a building, it would be very simple to set up a wired unit. Talk to a professional about getting this installed.

Video Intercom

Another option is to get a video intercom. This is for homes that want the option to see a visitor that is at the door before communicating with them. They are typically going to be wired systems since video is more difficult to send wirelessly than an audio-only system would be.

You can also go for smart home technology that will allow you to incorporate a camera into your intercom system. You’ll be able to connect your devices and appliances to the internet to give you functionality of your home’s processes from your device.

You could use a smartphone or tablet to lock the front door, turn off the lights, or change your thermostat. This means that you can also incorporate a webcam to your front door that can be accessed with your other smart home technology. You will have to have a good internet connection to do this successfully and it does have the potential for hacking vulnerability, but you have remote access.


A carrier-current is an intercom that would be integrated into the electrical system of your home. This is another frugal option for an intercom system where you could have a conversation with someone at your front door. It’s easy to install and maintain but you may find other options provide better audio quality.

Automatic-gate entry intercom unit

Do you have many visitors and hate to have to stop what you’re doing to let them in? Now you can use the automatic-gate entry intercom to let people into your residential front gate without being physically present. Just press the button to let them in the door. In many cases, you’ll have a small camera at the gate to be able to see who is at the front gate. You’ll be able to see, talk to, and open entry for a visitor from inside the home.

These five types of intercom systems are great additions to your home office.