What Types of Keys can a Locksmith Duplicate?

When you need a new key, a locksmith will be able to provide duplicate keys for you. Even if you don't have a key for a specific lock, it's possible a locksmith can help.

There are several types of keys and it's helpful to know which ones a locksmith will duplicate for you. Here's a look at the most common keys a locksmith will be able to duplicate.

"Do Not Duplicate" Keys

The biggest question many people have when it comes to keys being duplicated by a locksmith are the keys labeled as "Do Not Duplicate". These keys seem like they shouldn't be able to be duplicated, but that's a myth.

There are no regulations or laws keeping a key with "Do Not Duplicate" on it from being duplicated. While chain hardware stores may refuse to duplicate these keys, locksmiths will often be able to provide a duplicate key.

Restricted Keys

While "Do Not Duplicate" keys are not considered restricted keys, there are some keys Locksmiths refer to as "restricted". These types of keys may not be able to be duplicated due to the duplication rights of the original manufacturer. In addition, these keys are harder to copy due to the type of equipment necessary and the patent-protected design.

Any key classified as "restricted" is covered by U.S. Patent Laws, making it a key you will likely not find a locksmith willing to duplicate. The penalty for duplicating this type of key can be a fine of up to $10,000.

Keys Locksmiths Will Duplicate

Most keys a locksmith can create a duplicate for. Some of the more common options include:

  • Yale Key - This is a standard, smaller key and can be cut pretty quickly by a locksmith.

  • Chubb Keys - A larger key with a unique design, Chubb Keys take longer to duplicate, but they can certainly be duplicated by a locksmith.

  • Safe Keys - All types of unique safe keys can be duplicated and may take longer, depending on the type of key.

  • Car Keys - Some car keys can be duplicated by a locksmith, while others require a brand new key to be created. Most modern car keys have to be created and cannot truly be duplicated by simply cutting a new key.

  • House Keys - Keys for locks on the front door of a home can easily be duplicated by a locksmith.

  • Padlock Keys - Often, padlock keys are Yale Keys and even those that are not Yale Keys can be duplicated.

The Professional Locksmith will not only duplicate most keys but will also be able to ensure you know which keys can be easily duplicated and which might provide a better form of security. Whether you're trying to choose a lock to ensure the keys cannot easily be duplicated or you need a copy of a key created, The Professional Locksmith can help.

Having the right key matters and you want a duplicate made by a professional. With the right duplicate, you won't have to worry about whether the new key will work or not. If you need a key duplicated, call your Chicago locksmith today!