You own plenty of valuable items, whether valuable in dollars or in sentiment, that you keep in your home. Some of the items you own should be kept in a home safe, preferably a fireproof home safe.
There are several things you should consider keeping in a safe within your home. Here are some of the top items to put in a safe instead of just leaving exposed in your home.
Household Safe
10 Items that Belong in a Home Safe
1. Guns
All guns should be kept in a safe unloaded with the magazine separate from the actual gun. Ammunition should also be kept in a safe. Special gun safes are designed to keep your weapons locked up properly.
2. Precious Metals
If you own physical gold, silver, copper, or other precious metals, they should be kept in a home safe. These items are valuable and belong under lock and key.
3. Expensive Jewelry
While not all jewelry is valuable enough to go in a safe, some jewelry should remain locked up when it's not being worn. Expensive engagement rings, family heirlooms, and other high-value jewelry belong in a fireproof home safe.
4. Important Documents
Several documents should be stored in a fireproof safe including:
Insurance policies
Bank account information
Wills and living trusts
Health care documents
And more!
These documents need to be protected and a physical backup copy is a good idea, even if you have them stored on your computer.
5. House Pictures
If a fire were to happen or a break-in, having pictures of the items you own will help with insurance. You store these pictures on a CD or thumb drive and toss them in your fireproof safe at home.
6. Important ID Documents
While you will likely carry your driver's license with you daily, other ID documents don't need to be kept on your person. Passports, birth certificates, and social security cards should be stored in a fireproof home safe.
7. Spare Keys
It's a good idea to place spare car keys and spare keys for other things, such as a storage unit into your home safe.
8. Safe Deposit Box Keys
If you have a safe deposit box for your valuables, the keys for it should go into your home safe. This will not only help to protect these keys during a disaster, but it will also keep you from losing them.
9. Emergency Cash
If a fire happens or another type of emergency event, having some cash is a good idea. Storing some emergency cash in your home safe is a good idea.
10. Family Valuables
Any other items you plan to pass down to the next generation or consider to be valuable to your family should also be stored in a safe.
If you don't have a home safe for your valuable items, it's best to have a Chicago locksmith install a safe for you. With proper safe installation, you can protect your most valuable items better.