Does My Car Insurance Cover an Auto Locksmith?

When you’re paying your monthly car insurance to keep you covered in the event of an issue, you may wonder if it’s going to cover you one of those times you need to call a locksmith. Getting locked out of the car is the worst because you’re likely trying to get somewhere or ready to get out of the elements and into your car. 

Luckily you can call an auto locksmith if you don’t have a spare key or there is an issue with the lock. Whatever the reason, call a Chicago Auto Locksmith to get back into your car safe and sound. 

Understanding your auto insurance

Everyone has a different policy and the first thing to understand is that your policy may look different than your neighbors. Some auto policies may cover this service while others may not. This may be an important thing to have included in your policy so that you know you will be covered in the event of needing a locksmith. 

Many times the auto insurance policies that include roadside assistance coverage are the ones that are going to include calling an auto locksmith in with the policy. This is because getting locked out of the car, losing your key, or not being able to get inside for any other reason is considered roadside care and something that a professional will have to come to provide aid in while you’re on the side of the road. 

Not all policies with roadside assistance coverage will include locksmith services, but most likely they will. 

Getting locked out without roadside assistance

If you were to get locked out of the car and you don’t have roadside assistance, hiring a locksmith may still be needed. Be sure to look for a professional in your area that has a great reputation and great prices. 

The quality of work is important when you are talking about something you use every day and keeps you safe in your daily routine. Service prices will vary depending on your car’s make and model, and typically older cars with no electric locking systems will be less expensive to work on than the newer ones with high-tech gadgetry. 

Arming yourself with a great insurance policy to cover these situations could save you time and money in the event that you lose your keys or can’t get in your car. 

Why roadside assistance is great 

The easiest way to regain access to your locked car is to use your roadside assistance through your insurance policy. This means you’ll have help from a professional locksmith technician quickly and easily. 

This type of program also covers you for other inconveniences, such as a flat tire or a battery jumpstart. It’s an affordable way to keep yourself safe on the road and usually can just be added to your insurance policy but otherwise is affordable to buy separately. When you use it with your insurance company, they will reimburse you for the cost of the locksmith service. If you are to lose your keys, you may even be able to get re-keyed with your roadside coverage, which is great to have access to in an emergency.  

Talk to your insurance provider about what’s included in your policy because sometimes you’ll have roadside included even though your insurance didn’t discuss this with you. 

You may be trying to go on about your day and find out you get locked out of the car because you lost your keys, your lock is jammed, or your keys were locked in the car. You may find your key fob is acting faulty, its battery is dead, or someone tried to break into the car which affected the lock. 

For whatever reason you need an auto locksmith, call a professional and make sure you get auto locksmith coverage on your insurance policy.