How to Choose the Right Intercom System for Your Security Needs

Whether choosing an intercom system for your commercial building or for your home, there are several things to consider. An intercom system can be used to enhance security and they come in several different types including wired and wireless intercom systems. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right intercom system for your security needs.

new intercom system installation

Wired or Wireless?

The first decision most homeowners or building owners will make is a wired or wireless intercom system. In some cases, you may not be able to use a wireless system. Wireless intercom systems don't work well for lower levels or basements in some buildings.

In the circumstances where a wireless system won't work, a wired intercom system is a great choice. This type of system will give you the opportunity to upgrade your security.

A wireless intercom system also gives you the ability to upgrade your security. It basically works as a two-way communications system with the ability to do more, if you prefer. A basic system can be upgraded to a DECT system, which will work a bit like a landline telephone. You can also add video to your intercom system.

Why Wireless May not be the Right Choice?

Sometimes wireless systems make sense, but sometimes, they don't. A wireless intercom system may be tampered with as it works a bit like a network of walkie-talkies. In addition, this type of system may be susceptible to eavesdropping and struggle from unreliable power.

A wireless intercom system can also have a limited range. It may be rather short range, which means it may not work for all buildings.

Why a Wired Intercom System May be a Great Choice?

A hardwired intercom system offers an intercom without nearly as many vulnerabilities as a wireless system. It cannot be tampered with in the same way and it won't have power issues, either. It's also a harder type of system to eavesdrop on, which makes it a bit more secure.

Making the Right Choice

While there are security concerns with a wireless system, you also don't have to worry about running wires all over your house or building to install this type of system. In addition, a wireless system makes it possible to move the units around, when necessary. It's also easy to add additional units.

Adding a wired unit when building a new building isn't as difficult as it is with an already existing building. However, it can still be done with the right intercom installation professionals to help you.

Should You Add Video?

A video intercom system can be even more secure as you can see the person paging. If your system will be used for entry into your property or home, it may be a good idea to have a video intercom system. With the right system, you'll be able to see the person trying to get in instead of just hearing their voice.

The security of your home or your building matters. Adding the right intercom system will help to upgrade your overall security. Just make sure you choose the right professionals to install your intercom system.

3 Common Repair Issues Found in Intercom Systems

Having a good intercom system is vital to some types of properties. For others, it's a nice convenience and can make life easier. However, intercom systems can often need repairs due to specific issues. There are some issues that are more common than others. Let's look at three of the most common repair issues found in intercom systems.


It's not uncommon for an intercom system to end up with static from the microphone or the speaker. Static can be caused by many different parts of the audio equipment. Regular wear can cause static due to a bad connection. This could also cause the intercom to simply not create any sound. Usually, static is noticed before the intercom completely stops creating sound.

Any type of damage to your intercom system can cause static within the system. It could be caused due to a loose wire or a bad switch. Another common cause of static is interference. Even on a closed system, an intercom can experience static from interference.

The power connection can also be a source of static. Any problem with the power connection may cause static throughout the system. This could be a sight of a larger issue, too. Sometimes, a power overload or a shorting may cause static and if it's not repaired, it can cause major damage to the system. If you've noticed static within your intercom system, it's time to hire an intercom repair professional.

A Humming Noise

Another common issue with an intercom system is a humming noise heard when trying to use the system. This could be a sign of something worse and needs to be addressed immediately. It could be due to a faulty wire or connection and repair is necessary to keep the issue from getting worse.

While a humming sound may be annoying, some will just live with it and think very little of it. However, it could be a sign of something worse. When left unaddressed the issue may get worse and you may end up with an intercom system that doesn't work anymore.

Power Supply Failures

As stated above, static within your intercom system may be a sign of a larger problem. One of those larger issues is a power supply failure. When the power supply starts to go, it could cause other issues, such as static or even humming within the system.

Of course, if the power supply stops working, the intercom system will also stop working. Most intercom systems will show signs of the power supply going before it actually goes, however. Hearing more background noise may be another sign the power supply is starting to go.

The best way to address any intercom issue is to contact a professional intercom repair company. You want to choose a company with plenty of experience with your type of intercom system. Every system is a bit different and a huge part of fixing the issue is the proper diagnosis. The right repair company will be able to diagnose the problem and get it fixed quickly.