How to Choose a Commercial Safe for Your Office

Choosing the right safe for your office isn't always easy. A commercial safe needs to offer plenty of features to ensure you can keep your valuables protected. In addition, it has to offer you peace of mind when it comes to the security of running your business.

Not all commercial safes are the same. Many commercial safes offer similar features, but some will give you an extra level of security when added to your office. Here are some of the things to consider when choosing a commercial safe for your office.

Full Protection

Choosing the safe that will give you full protection should be first on the list. Consider what you will be keeping in the safe and choose a safe with the best features to protect your items.

You may need a torch resistant or tool resistant safe to ensure your belonging are protected from intruders.

In addition, you may need a specific type of safe for specific reasons. For example, a retail store may need a drop safe or a deposit safe to ensure employees can make drops without opening the safe. Others may prefer an office safe with a high fire rating.


The location of your office safe should be a factor, as well. Will you be keeping it under a desk, in a wall, in the floor, or in another location? This can impact the type of safe you choose.

Some safes are specifically designed to be kept in the floor, while others fit better under a desk or in the wall. It depends on what you need and the space you have for the safe.


Depending on what you may be keeping in the safe, you may need a larger or smaller safe. Size does matter as choosing the right size can be difficult. For most businesses, you want a safe large enough that someone cannot easily pick it up and walk off with it. However, if you get something too large, it could become a nuisance. Contact The Professional Locksmith today and find out what safe is right for your specific needs!

small commercial safe installation

Choosing the right size may depend on where you plan to keep the safe, as well. Consider the location of the safe, along with the things you plan to keep in it before you make a decision on the size.

Security Level

Of course, you want the best protection possible, but you may not need a high security safe if your budget won't allow for one. However, if you need a high security safe, you will likely spend more, but you will have a safe with a high fire rating, drill prevention, and many other great security features.

Choosing the right commercial safe for your office can be difficult. The size, location, security level, and protection you need will make a pretty big difference when looking at the options.

Take your time and compare a few safes before choosing. It may be a good idea to consult an expert to help you with the decision. An expert may also be able to install your new safe properly.

What to Consider When Setting a Security Budget for Your Business

The security of your business is vital in preventing break-ins to protecting the building from fire to protecting your computers. You must take measures to protect your business on all fronts or you could see it all go down in flames faster than you could have ever imagined.

When it's time to set up your security budget for your business, you need to know what the most important factors are. You cannot just protect yourself on one front and avoid another. It's important to have full protection as this is your livelihood and the livelihood of all your employees.

security camera on chicago highrise

How Big Should Your Security Budget Be?

On average, small businesses will spend about 6% to 7% of their annual budget on security. The number is a bit higher in the financial industry and a bit lower in the education industry. It will vary depending on the industry from 1% to 12%.

When considering your security budget, it's important to focus on prevention first and response second. You want to be proactive and protect your business on all fronts. However, it's also important to have a plan in place to deal with a potential incident.

Prevention and Protection Come First

Protecting your business from break-ins, fire, environmental disasters, employee theft, cyber-attacks and any other possible attack is the first step. If you can prevent an issue from happening, you won't have to deal with the consequences.

Make sure you consider all the possible prevention methods in your budget. You don't want to simply install a security system with cameras and call it a day. Instead, you want a full business security system complete with fire protection, environmental disaster protection (carbon monoxide, leak detectors, etc.) and security cameras. Of course, you also want a system to protect your computers and sensitive data. You may want to install a safe too for the most important documents.

Consider the Entry Points

If a break-in is one of the major concerns, consider beefing up your entry points. Installing locks and other hardware making it much more difficult for a criminal to enter your business will go a very long way. You can also use controlled entry to ensure the only people getting in and out of the business or at least certain areas of the business have to have a code or a swipe card.

Ongoing Expenses

Along with protecting your business from threats, you need to consider the ongoing expenses of security in your budget. Some forms of security will only need to be paid for once, but others require a monthly fee to keep them current. Make sure you consider these expenses in your business security budget.

Response Plan

How will you deal with a break-in or someone attacking your computers? What if a fire happens or environmental disaster strikes your business? Make sure you consider the necessary insurances and protections you will need to carry to protect your business from the worst case scenario.

When setting up your business security budget, there are several things to consider. You have to protect your business on all fronts. Having an expert assess the risks of your business is a good place to start when trying to figure out how much security will cost each year.

How a Commercial Locksmith can Secure Your Business

Protecting your business is very important. It's your livelihood and the livelihood of all your employees. In addition, you've probably put your heart and soul into building your business.

Making sure you have the right security for your business matters. With a commercial locksmith, you can better protect your business and set yourself up for success. Here are some of the ways a commercial locksmith will help give you the peace of mind in knowing your business is secured.

Locks and Hardware

It starts with the entry points to your building. If you have the ability to change or replace the locks and other hardware, a commercial locksmith can help with this task. The right locks will help to keep your business secure and other hardware will also ensure breaking in is much more difficult.

In addition, a commercial locksmith can set you up with punch-code locks to ensure you always know who is in the building. There are several advanced locks to consider and your locksmith can help you choose the right locks for your needs.

Lock Repairs, Rekeying & Installation

If you have locks you need to have repaired or rekeyed, a commercial locksmith will help. With the right locksmith on the job, you won't have anything to worry about. A good commercial locksmith will repair, rekey and install any locks you need including exterior doors, interior doors, windows and more.

Commercial-Grade Products

A true commercial locksmith will offer commercial-grade products including hardware, locks and other necessary products. You will have the best security possible because the locks and hardware are designed for commercial doors.


Security Cameras

Along with handling your locks, a commercial locksmith may also be able to install security cameras to boost your business security. Cameras not only help to deter crime, but they also keep employees honest and give you a picture of what's really going on. Even just cameras as entry points can make a big difference.


Safe Installation

Your business likely needs a safe. Your commercial locksmith will help to ensure you choose the right safe, along with installing it for you. Whether you need a safe for sensitive documents, cash deposits or any other reason, your locksmith will help to ensure you have the right safe for your business.


Master Key System Installation

Maybe you need a system designed to allow access to certain areas and restrict it in others. When you need multiple access levels, a master key system can be used to ensure your business remains secure. Your commercial locksmith will be able to install this type of system to ensure you have the right level of security in the right areas of your business.

When you choose to hire a commercial locksmith, you'll gain many business security benefits. Commercial locksmiths bring a certain level of expertise and professionalism to the job. You'll gain access to better products, professional installation and a higher level of security.

Don't make the mistake of trying to handle your own business security. Let a trained commercial locksmith in Chicago handle all your business security needs instead.